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Parsing JSON

Parsing JSON in pseudocode typically involves iterating through the JSON structure and extracting values according to their types (e.g., strings, numbers, objects, arrays).

Pseudocode is a high-level description of a computer program or algorithm that uses natural language constructs to outline the logic and steps of the solution without being tied to a specific programming language syntax. It's a way for programmers to plan and communicate their algorithms before writing actual code.

The term "pseudo" means "false" or "not genuine," and "code" refers to programming instructions. Pseudocode is not meant to be executed by a computer; instead, it serves as a blueprint or a roadmap for implementing a solution in a programming language.

Pseudocode typically employs simple language and conventions that are easy to understand, allowing developers to focus on the algorithm's logic rather than worrying about the details of programming syntax. It's often used during the design and planning phases of software development to clarify the steps and logic of an algorithm before translating it into actual code.

Here's a simplified pseudocode example of how you might parse a JSON string. It's provides a basic framework for parsing JSON but does not cover all edge cases or error handling scenarios. The actual implementation would require handling various cases such as nested objects and arrays, escaping characters in strings, handling invalid JSON syntax, and more. Additionally, real-world JSON parsers typically offer additional features such as error reporting, validation, and configuration options.

function parseJSON(jsonString):
    // Initialize an empty data structure to store parsed JSON
    parsedData = {}

    // Parse JSON string
    currentPosition = 0
    while currentPosition < length(jsonString):
        // Get the current character
        currentChar = jsonString[currentPosition]

        // Skip whitespace characters
        if isWhitespace(currentChar):

        // Determine the type of the current value
        if currentChar is '{':
            // Parse object
            parsedObject = parseObject(jsonString, currentPosition)
            parsedData = parsedObject['parsedObject']
            currentPosition = parsedObject['newPosition']
        else if currentChar is '[':
            // Parse array
            parsedArray = parseArray(jsonString, currentPosition)
            parsedData = parsedArray['parsedArray']
            currentPosition = parsedArray['newPosition']
        else if currentChar is '"':
            // Parse string
            parsedString = parseString(jsonString, currentPosition)
            parsedData = parsedString['parsedString']
            currentPosition = parsedString['newPosition']
        else if isDigit(currentChar) or currentChar is '-':
            // Parse number
            parsedNumber = parseNumber(jsonString, currentPosition)
            parsedData = parsedNumber['parsedNumber']
            currentPosition = parsedNumber['newPosition']
        else if currentChar is 't' or currentChar is 'f' or currentChar is 'n':
            // Parse boolean or null
            parsedValue = parseBooleanOrNull(jsonString, currentPosition)
            parsedData = parsedValue['parsedValue']
            currentPosition = parsedValue['newPosition']
            // Invalid JSON format
            return {"error": "Invalid JSON format"}

    return parsedData

// Function to parse an object
function parseObject(jsonString, startPosition):
    // Implement parsing logic for objects
    // Return parsed object and updated position
    // Example: {"key": "value"}
    //         ^
    //   startPosition

// Function to parse an array
function parseArray(jsonString, startPosition):
    // Implement parsing logic for arrays
    // Return parsed array and updated position
    // Example: ["value1", "value2"]
    //          ^
    //  startPosition

// Function to parse a string
function parseString(jsonString, startPosition):
    // Implement parsing logic for strings
    // Return parsed string and updated position
    // Example: "Hello, World!"
    //          ^
    // startPosition

// Function to parse a number
function parseNumber(jsonString, startPosition):
    // Implement parsing logic for numbers
    // Return parsed number and updated position
    // Example: 42
    //          ^
    // startPosition

// Function to parse a boolean or null value
function parseBooleanOrNull(jsonString, startPosition):
    // Implement parsing logic for boolean or null
    // Return parsed value and updated position
    // Example: true
    //         ^
    // startPosition

// Utility functions (e.g., isWhitespace, isDigit) would be defined as needed